Element Components

Element components provide a flexible way to securely collect payment information in your Angular app.

You can mount individual Element components inside of your Elements tree. Note that you can only mount one of each type of Element.

Create Token

In this example the Card Element is used to collection payment information and create a token.


The full list of components available:

Card Elementngx-stripe-card
Card Number Elementngx-stripe-card-number
Card Expiry Elementngx-stripe-card-expiry
Card CVC Elementngx-stripe-card-cvc
Payment Request Buttonngx-stripe-payment-request-button
Au Bank Account Elementngx-stripe-au-bank-account
IBAN Elementngx-stripe-iban
Ideal Bank Elementngx-stripe-ideal-bank
FPX Bank Elementngx-stripe-fpx-bank

If you want to use the card number, expiry and cvc as separated elements you need to put them inside the card group directive.

This is necessary to ensure the three elements shared the same stripe elements objects, otherwise it won't work. As you can see in the example element options is not available for any of the three child components, but only for the group directive.

Here is an example using the Card Group as a Directive:

We also make available the component selector, in case you prefer to work that way, here is an example using the Card Group as a Component.